Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy 13th Birthday Haley ;o)

My baby girl turned 13 yesterday...sad sad day ;o(
Although...she has been acting like she was a teenager for a couple years now. One thing with teens, they are harder and harder to shop for and more expensive. But Haley wasn't too bad...not this year. I am sure it will get worse.

ANYWAY--she is still into Webkinz, so she got a couple of those. And she got some cozy slippers, hair thingy's, glitter spray, a DS game and some other stuff.

We went to Hu-Hot for her birthday lunch, which is one of her favorite places. Then we went to my friend's house and picked up her daughter to hang out with Haley and Jenna and to spend the night.

We watched the new American Girl Kit movie and ate popcorn.
I also made this super cool cupcakey creation (as I like to call it ;o)
I saw something similar at Wal-Mart and just knew I could make that. So I bought some sprinkles and some curly ribbons; went home, made some cupcakes, and VOILA!

Aren't they perrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrty???

Here is the birthday girl ;o)

Halloween '08

I think this was Haley's last year of Trick or Treating...since she is 13 now.
But ya know...age doesn't stop some 16 year old's that put on their roller blades, smashing into little toddlers on their way to get free candy...not even dressed up in any type of costume. If we stayed home to hand out candy, I would so be just giving them pennies or yucky jawbreakers...hee hee ;o) Yes...I am an evil one. And, yes, I think that Halloween is for kids, but younger kids my soapbox...
I got some decent pics of the kiddies, this year. Jackson surprised me by keeping his costume on the entire time!!
Here are all 3 of my kiddos...
Haley was a flapper girl, Jenna was a princess and Jackson-my dragon:
Haley was a big help with bringing Jackson to every house...she never complained ;o)
This was their first house.
He wasn't lettin' go of that candy bucket for nothing!! I tried taking it away because it was getting a bit heavy and I got a mean look from him and a few loud NO's!!
Hope ya'll had a fun Halloween!! ;o)