Saturday, May 31, 2008

Last day of school :o(

Friday was the girls last day of school. It is actually their last day at the school they have been at since they were in Pre-School. This Fall, they will be heading into their first year of public school.
We are all a bit nervous, but I grew up in public school and I think I turned out just fine!!

Anyway--every year, the parents bring the kids to Bay Beach
after school dismisses at 11:15.
Here are some pics of the girls and their friends...

Jenna & Jye on the Scrambler

Haley and a few of her friends...

By 1pm, Jenna was beginning to run a fever and not feelin' so good...
How did I know...well, when I offered to buy her and Jye some ice cream,
she passed!!!!!

Haley and her friends on the Scrambler

This place has a bunch of rides for all ages...
Ferris Wheel, Giant Slide, Bumper Cars, Flying Swings, Merry-Go-Round...
lots of rides for the little tots too!!

Even has a train ride!!

I just had to get a pic of the top of the pavilion...isn't that one beautiful scene???

Random Pics from May 24-31

I have taken a bunch of pics, this past week, so I thought I would just throw them up here.

I will start with some of the girls...

Don't ya just love their hats??? They are my goof-balls!!

The boy has soooo many summer outfits, I have to get him to wear every single one! Hopefully mommy's new Photog hobby can take away a bit of the clothes obsession?? Yeah, right...who am I kidding???

And...have I told you all that he is THE hardest child to photograph??
I think he is very photogenic, but NO WAY is he holding any pose for more than .2 milliseconds!!

AND...I am fore-warning all of you...your computer screen, whether it be glass or LCD, may crack!!!
Take precaution as you view the next picture as it is one of THE worst pics of me, that are still in circulation!!
(In my defense, it was a baaaaaaad migraine day -May 30- and I spent most of the day in my sweats...)

Oh great! Jackson sees that the Riding mower is unattended!!
(as Daddy is in the background checking out the 2 packages mommy got in the mail

See how excited he is to be on it?
The mower pics were taken today...such a beautiful day out, and he got to wear his new Gymbo outfit!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Just a lazy day

We didn't do anything special for Memorial Day...just hung out.
We did venture out to Menards for a new hose sprayer, # stickers for our mailbox and those white flower ant hotel thingys. UGH...those tiny little unowhats are crawling in through our patio door; hate 'em!!

The girls were still with Dave's niece at a waterpark until the late afternoon, so it was just me, Dave and Jackson.
We came home, fed Jackson some lunch then it was naptime.

Dave played his beloved Guitar Hero and I just watched him. THAT is when my lazy day it went on and on and...

After a long day of laziness, Momma was feelin' even lazier around dinner time...

We (me and Jackson) hopped in the car and headed to...

Went to the Drive-Thru, drove back home and VOILA!
Dinner was served! LOL

Then, Jackson felt like dressing up like his Hero...

...his Daddy!!
So that was our Memorial Day.

I said a prayer for the Veterans, all the troops & their families who are serving our country and the ones who we have lost...God Bless you all!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

My BEAUTIFUL Hostas & other Lovelies in our yard

Dave's mom planted these hostas a looong time ago and they are BEAUTIFUL!
I sure love her for planting these! She also planted a bunch of other stuff around
our yard...

Hostas - May 12, 2008
I tried to get in the same position for the same show how much they have grown
Hostas - May 24, 2008

Had to put in some other pics of the plant life that I love to see everyday!

One of three Lilac bushes in the front...

And, last but not least, the super cute Tea Rose bush
(I will have to dig it up and plant it on the other side of the house...)

Fun with Color Accent

Out in the yard yesterday, I decided to try out the color accent feature on my camera. I thought the color accent should be blue, since that was what Jackson was wearing. I wanted to get some of him on the front porch, but the little guy just will not hold still for anything!

Here he is, chasing the ball...a blue ball...

Here is Jenna and Jackson, in the background. I tried to make Jackson more in focus than Jenna...and I think it worked a tiny bit!

Then there is Haley...I love catching her off-guard!