Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun at the Beach

July 1, 2008 (daytime)

Here are the kiddies...on our way to spend a day at the beach.
A couple times a summer, we like to just pack up for the day and go to a campground beach an hour away. We live VERY we aren't close to any oceans, which is a bummer, sometimes!

The girls trying to build a moat? or
They were just having fun, without their brother bothering them...

Gimme 5!!!
Jackson was ready to call it a day...went to the back of the van (cuz he knew that is where all the "stuff" came from) and tried opening it.
The poor boy doesn't do beaches too well...yet...
So...Daddy tried cheering him up a bit. was time to hit the trail for a walk to the Rock Slide!!

Haley...getting ready to go down the "slide"

Jenna...taking a little break to smile pretty for the camera!

Jackson's too little to go down the rock slide, so he has to watch his sister's with Daddy.

The girls are enjoying the nice, warm water.
The water does look yucky, but it's actually pretty clear.
They are sitting a HUGE flat rock on sand, in the water.

I took a break from the girls and Jackson was wading through the water and climbed up on this big rock. I got lots of cute shots, but this one is my favorite!!

We all had a great day.
Dave had to work on the 4th, so we had our 4th of July celebration on July 1st.
We did some fireworks that night...which is one of Dave's
I will put the pics in the following post...well, the post will show up BEFORE this

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