Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Christmas '08 ...Continued....

DECEMBER 25, 2008

Christmas Morning....
It's a tradition that we wait for everyone to wake up before any presents are opened. Then we let them rip open their gifts, one at a time so they can all see what each other got.
Jackson is a little hard to handle, since he wouldn't wait and just wanted to open everything ;o)

BUT...his first present, he didn't have to open. He woke up, came downstairs and saw his Cars tent and ran to it....

Then the girls dug in...

It was a Christmas made up of various Cars toys and a bunch of Planet Heroes ;o)
And even an Imaginext Castle!

As for the girls, they got their clothes from Limited Too, some jammies...Jenna got her snowboard and Hannah Montana beanbag chair, they both got Webkinz and a couple Kooky Klickerz pens. I know they got more, I just can't remember ;o(
the highlight of their Christmas morning, was getting their phones. I wish I had a pic of them opening them up...but I have something even better! A VIDEO!
But for some odd reason, I can never upload video to bogger ;o(
I will try to upload it to my FB page, but can't promise anything...

After all that, we had our yummy traditional breakfast of Breakfast Bake then cleaned up and headed out to my brother's...

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